When it comes to wedded couples, splitting their property amid separation or divorce is completely different compared to an unmarried couple?

Here, we’ll list some of the rights and responsibilities of both spouses during separation, to give you a better insight into the whole process. Meanwhile, unmarried couples have no responsibility to divide everything equally just like married couples do. This actually complicated when it comes to dividing all your properties including the mortgage debts that both of you have. The separation or divorce is emotional thrives for most couples, thus having your spouse convincing you that you are the one who has to abandon the house. Regardless, you should not give up and leave as you were told to, and not checking your rights before with your lawyer. Hence, the family law firms Sydney such as O’Sullivan Legal could guide you of what should or not should do.

Entitlement to Marital Home

The married couple have each right to half of the price of their home, although only one spouse is registered as the owner. Else, one of the spouses acquired the home before marriage. Moreover, both spouses have equal entitlement to stay in the marital home although the marriage ends. This only means that you cannot be ejected at your house because you are separating. That being said that no one’s best interest to stay and lived in a destructive environment and stipend a war against your ex, so it is better to not live under one roof. If the other spouse cannot agree on who have to continue living in the house after the divorce, the family court can make a resolution for both of you support the following:

  • The economic situation of each spouse
  • If the written agreement exists with regards to owning the house
  • If children are involved – the court will put the children’s interest first
  • If the spouse has another place to live in
  • If there is a history of domestic violence happen
  • Assets and Belongings of Wedded Couples

When it comes to assets and belongings these include pensions, monetary valuables, benefits, real estates.

All of the assets that couples got during the marriage must be divided fairly. However, if it cannot be divided one of them may have to make an act of payment to another. Calculating the amount of payment might be difficult for an owner to do, particularly there are several rules and privileges. Likewise, if one of the spouses owns property that is more valuable compared to what is owned by the other one has. The richer one must give the half of the value between the properties to the other spouse.

Nevertheless, if a marital home is vented before the divorce, the spouse who acquired it before marriage can include that value to the property they acquired before marriage. For instance, the home is not sold, but both spouses have the right to get parts of the amount of home, in any case of whose name is on the effort.

Unwed Couples and their Rights

When living simultaneously without marrying, which are being more people choose to do compare to what procedures a decade ago. Where you don’t obtain the same rights as wedded couples today – you spouse’s assets, by all means, it remains as their own and you do not have any rights to assert as yours.

There is a provision to this if you as well as your actions right away to make it possible for the spouse to get more property. If so, the family law firms Sydney are recommended petitioning the court to get some of that property. 

Liabilities and Mortgages

Any liabilities that both of you collected in your own name remains your own since your divorce. And usually, this happens actually for both married and unmarried couples. Any debts that accumulated together should be paying in full. Wedded couples have their liabilities deducted from the total amount of their wealth value, so both of you should settle it and equally divide in order that property won’t be stirred by it.